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Hyprland configuration

Our main goal with our setup is to have a working Hyprland but keep it barebones therefore some essential tools and programs might be missing such as a GUI File Manager, Please check FAQ section (at the bottom)


Most of the key combinations require the use of the mod key which in our case is the Windows key (referenced as SUPER), you can change it on the config file.

Open terminal

  • SUPER + Return

Go to workspace (1-9)

  • SUPER + 1-9 (Number row, number pad does not count)

Change focus to (Left,Right,Up,Down)

  • SUPER + ArrowKeys

Move between workspaces with the scroll wheel

  • Super + Scroll

Move between workspaces with comma and period

  • Super + period (Next workspace)
  • Super + comma (Previous workspace)

Move focused window to workspace (1-9) but don’t go there

  • SUPER + Shift + 1-9

Same as above but also switch to said workspace

  • SUPER + CTRL + 1-9

Open rofi (Program Launcher)

  • CTRL + Space

Close focused window

  • SUPER + Q

Move focused window to direction (Up,Down,Left,Right)

  • SUPER + Shift + ArrowKeys

Resize focused window

  • CTRL + Shift + J (Downwards)
  • CTRL + Shift + K (Upwards)
  • CTRL + Shift + H (Left)
  • CTRL + Shift + L (Right)
  • CTRL + Shift + ArrowKeys

Toggle focused window into floating or fullscreen

  • SUPER + F (Fullscreen)
  • SUPER + V (Floating)

Enter resize submap state (Allows resizing), H,J,K,L or via arrow keys

  • SUPER + R
  • ESC to exit

Move window with your mouse

  • SUPER + Left click

Resize window

  • SUPER + Right click (keep it pressed and drag your cursor on any direction)

Volume control (Multimedia keys) such as VolUP, VolDOWN and MUTE

Brightness control should work depending on Hardware

Playback control for pausing, playing, next and previous via multimedia keys (Laptop or keyboard)

Pin focused window so it shows on all workspaces (Floating)

  • SUPER + Y

Toggle current window to a group

  • SUPER + K

Change active group


Reload waybar

  • SUPER + O

Lower gap between windows

  • SUPER + G

Reset gaps to default value

  • SUPER + Shift + G


Why does my Discord,Thunar,Nautilus have a weird background?

This is because the window has a modified opacity

  • Consider modifying Discord’s window rule near the bottom of Hyprland’s config file: windowrule=opacity 0.96,discord

Is there a File Manager included?

  • No, install one you like

How can i take an screenshot?

  • SUPER + A (You can draw there too)

Why Hyprland randomly crashed?

  • Check at the beginning of this page why