i3wm Configuration
For more information about i3wm. Please check out their wiki for reference
Credits go to vnepogodin for making this simple and easy to understand config
X11 only, not compatible with Wayland
Most of the key combinations require the use of the mod key which in our case is the Windows key (referenced as SUPER), you can change it on the config file.
Open terminal
- SUPER + Return
Kill focused window
Go to workspace (1-9)
- SUPER + 1-9 (Number row, number pad does not count)
Open rofi (Program launcher)
- CTRL + Space
Change focus to (Left,Right,Up,Down)
- SUPER + ArrowKeys
Move focused window to (Left,Right,Up,Down)
- SUPER + Shift + ArrowKeys
Move focused window to workspace (1-9)
- SUPER + Shift + 1-9 (Number row, number pad does not count)
Split layout in a horizontal orientation
Split layout in a vertical orientation
Split toggle
Toggle fullscreen mode in focused window
Focus last floating/tiling container
- SUPER + Space
Toggle floating mode in focused window
- SUPER + Shift + Space
Change container layout to (stacking,tabbed)
- SUPER + S (stacking)
- SUPER + W (tabbed)
Restart i3 in place (ie after an i3wm update or bug)
- SUPER + Shift + R
Reload i3 configuration file
- SUPER + Shift + C
Exit i3 (end running X session)
- SUPER + Shift + E
Lock your screen
To unlock it, type your user password and press Return.
Enter resize mode
- Super + R
Resize focused window while being on resize mode
- ArrowKeys
Exit resize mode
- Return
- Escape
- Super + R
How can i autostart a program? for example “set a wallpaper at start”
- i3 already includes an flexible autostart feature that allows you to execute any program or even commands
If you look at the end of our config file, you’ll see some lines starting with exec and exec_always
For example:
exec chromium
This means that chromium is going to start in workspace 1 whenever you log in into your i3 session
- What differentiates exec from exec_always?
exec_always gives you the possibility to always execute a certain action even after i3wm got reloaded
- For more reference and information, checkout their i3’s user guide
- https://i3wm.org/docs/userguide.html#exec
Do the multimedia keys work?
- Yes they do.